1553 – S. Munster – Landtafel des Polands Littaw
Title: “Landtafel des Ungerlands/Polands/Rüssen/Littaw/Walachei und Bulgarei.”
One of the earliest maps of Poland, with Lithuania to the North, south of the Danube, east to the Black Sea with river Dnieper basin and Bessarabia. Based on a map by Bernard Wapowski and for the lower Danube on Georg Reichersdorfer.
Map comes from the German edition of Sebastian Münster’s Cosmography, titled “Cosmographey oder beschreibung aller Länder”, published in 1553 by Heinrich Petri in Basel.
Cartographer: Sebastian Munster (1488 – 1552)
Leaf size: 40,6 x 31,7 cm
Year: 1553
Technique: woodcut
In very good condition.
This is an original antique map published in 1553 and NOT a modern copy or reprint
On your request I will provide a Certificate of Authenticity