1598 – S. Munster – Asia


Title:                      “Asia wie es jetziger zeit nach den furnemesten Herrschafften abgetheilet und beschriben ist.”​

Decorative Munster’s map of Asia, from Munster’s Cosmographia, one of the most influential geographical works of the 16th Century.  This is what is generally considered the second Munster map of Asia. Following the model established by Ortelisu’s 1567 Asiae Nova Descriptio this map covers from the Mediterranean to Japan and from the Arctic to Java. Relife is renedered in profile and numerous towns and cities are noted. Sumatra is identified as Taprobana. Japan appears in its kite-form and is based upon Jesuit sources. The great rivers of Southeast Asia, the Mekong, Chao Phraya, Irrawaddy, and Brahmaputra, are drawn as originating from a large lake in the mountains of what is today northern Thailand – no doubt a precursor of the apocryphal lake of Chiamay. The islands of east Indies, collectively identified here as the ‘Moluccos,’ are vaguely rendered but recognizable.​

Map comes from the German edition of Sebastian Münster’s Cosmography, titled “Cosmographey Oder beschreibung Aller Länder herrschafftenn vnd fürnemesten Stetten des gantzen Erdbodens…”, published in 1598 by Heinrich Petri in Basel.

Cartographer:      Sebastian Munster​ (1488 – 1552)
Sheet size:           44,2 x 36,9 cm
Year:                     1598
Technique:           woodblock

Very good condition. Paper with original watermark.
This is an original antique map published in 1598 and NOT a modern copy or reprint


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