1674 – N. Sanson – Le Duché de Berg


Title:                 “Le Duché de Berg, le Comté de Homberg, les Seigneuries de Hardenberg, et de Wildenborg. Dressé surles Memoires les plus recents. Parle Sr. Sanson, Geographe ordinaire du Roy. A Paris. Chez H. Iaillot, joignant les grands Augustins, aux deux Globes Aure Privilege du Roy. 1674.”​

Detailed map of the duchy of Berg, Homberg court and the Hardenberg estate with the right Rhine area between Duisburg (Düsseldorf / Ratingen / Mettmann) and Bad Honnef, the victory race and the Ruhr race. Central Bergisch Gladbach and Bensberg.

Cartographer:       Nicolas Sanson (1600 – 1667)
Leaf size:               60,7 x 46,7 cm
Year:                      1674
Technique:            copper engraving

​​Good condition. Dated. Verso reinforcement around margins (map was in the frame before). Middle fold reinforced. Slightly brownish. Heavy paper with watermark. Hand colored. Perfect for framing!

This is a genuine antique map published in 1674 and not a modern copy or reprint!

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