1674 – N. Sanson – Le Duché de Berg
200 €
Title: “Le Duché de Berg, le Comté de Homberg, les Seigneuries de Hardenberg, et de Wildenborg. Dressé surles Memoires les plus recents. Parle Sr. Sanson, Geographe ordinaire du Roy. A Paris. Chez H. Iaillot, joignant les grands Augustins, aux deux Globes Aure Privilege du Roy. 1674.”
Detailed map of the duchy of Berg, Homberg court and the Hardenberg estate with the right Rhine area between Duisburg (Düsseldorf / Ratingen / Mettmann) and Bad Honnef, the victory race and the Ruhr race. Central Bergisch Gladbach and Bensberg.
Cartographer: Nicolas Sanson (1600 – 1667)
Leaf size: 60,7 x 46,7 cm
Year: 1674
Technique: copper engraving
Good condition. Dated. Verso reinforcement around margins (map was in the frame before). Middle fold reinforced. Slightly brownish. Heavy paper with watermark. Hand colored. Perfect for framing!
This is a genuine antique map published in 1674 and not a modern copy or reprint!
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