1785 – W.A. BACHIENE – Koningryk Polen


Title:                   “Nieuwe en Naauwkeurige Kaart van’t Koningryk POLEN en t Groot Hertogdom LITHAUWEN . . .”​


Rare and detailed map of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania divided in palatinates, designed according to the latest maps and astronomical observations by Emanuel Bowen. Including the latest division between the Austrians, Russians and Prussians in 1771 by W.A. Bachiene with signature: J. van Jagen fec. 1783.

Comes from atlas “Atlas, tot opheldering der hedendaagsche historie“, issued by W.A. Bachiene in Amsterdam 1785.

Cartographer:    Willem Albert Bachiene (1712 – 1783)
Sheet size:         56,0 x 42,8 cm
Year:                    1785
Technique:           copper engraving

Very good condition. Contemporary hand coloring. Strong press on watermarked paper.

This is an original antique map published in 1785 and NOT a modern copy or reprint


On your request I will provide a Certificate of Authenticity

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