1788 – G. De L’Isle – Carte des Courones du Nord
500 €
Title: “Carte des Courones du Nord Comprenant La Suede Le Danemarc, &c. La Norwege, La Laponie Suedoise, Danoise et Moscovite”
A beautifully detailed two sheet map of Scandinavia by Guillaume De L’Isle. It shows the territory of Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Estonia and Latvia, along with parts of Lithuania, Poland and Germany and parts of Russia. 1788 – the date is engraved in the title and was published by Delisle’s successor Jean Nicolas Buache. It has a very decorative title cartouche with figures, flags, cherubs, two lions handing coat of arms.
Cartographer: Guillaume De L’Isle (1675 – 1726)
Sheet size: 2*57 x 72 cm
Year: 1788
Technique: copper engraving
Very good condition. Strong print on watermarked paper. Fold as published. Contemporary hand coloring. Wide margins.
This is a genuine antique map published in 1788 and NOT a modern copy or reprint
On your request I will provide a Certificate of Authenticity
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