1535 – L. Fries – Claudii Ptolemaei
700 €
Title: “Claudii Ptolemaei”
Attractive woodblock print showing an armillary sphere with a large globe surrounded by seven circles and by twelve classical winds. Each wind direction is depicted with a wind head and labelled with Greek names based on Timosthenes of Rhodes (fl. 270 BC) and Roman names based on Seneca (4 BC – AD 65). It includes the North & South Pole, the Equator & the Tropics of Capricorn & Cancer. This engraving have been attributed to Albrecht Dürer.
Comes from the atlas “Geographicae enarrationis libri octo Ex Bilibaldi Pirckeymheri tralatione, fed ad Graeca & prisca exemplaria…” published in 1535 in Lyon after Lorenz Fries by Melchior & Gaspar Trechsel. The atlas was translated by Willibald Pirckheimer and revised by Michael Servetus.
Cartographer: Lorenz Fries (1485 – 1532)
Sheet size: 27,4 x 39,9 cm
Year: 1535
Technique: woodcut
Very good condition. Attractive hand coloring.
This is an original antique map published in 1535 and NOT a modern copy or reprint
On your request I will provide a Certificate of Authenticity
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