1672 – M. Merian – Theatri Europaei Tom IX
4,500 €
Title: “THEATRI EUROPAEI Continuatio, Tomus IX, Friedens und Kriegsbeschreibung vom anfang des 1660 sten Jahr bis an das 1666 ste Jahr. Franckfurt am Main in verlegung Matth. Merians seel Erben. Von den denckwürdigsten Geschichten so sich hie und da in Europa und zwar vornehmlich in dem heil röm Teutschen Reiche in desselbigen wichtigen Angelegenheiten insonderheit aber wegen Verlegung des Ordinari Reichs Deputations Lagers von Franckfurt und nach Auffhebung desselbigen auff dem allgemeinen Reichs Tage zu Regenspurg wegen Auffricht und Verlegung einer reichs kreyß Armee für die röm Kays. Maj und dero Königreich Ungarn zu Abtreibung der darinnen eingebrochenen Türcken Gefahr wie nicht weniger an unterschiedlichen Chur- und fürstl. Höfendesgleichen bey einigen erbaren Reichs und anderen darinnen gelegenen wolbekannten Städten; so dann ausserhalb demselbigen In Ungarn Siebenbürgen, Polen, Litthauen Ukraine Moscau Schweden Dänemarck Norwegen Engelland Schottland Irland Niederland Franckreich Spanien Portugall Italien Dalmatia, Candia und in den Archipelago : auch so gar in den übrigen Theilen der Welt absonderlich auff der Africanischen Küste in Barbaria und Guinea, desgleichen in Ost und West Indien Beydes in dem weltlichen Regimente und auch im Kriegswesen zu Wassser und Lande von dem 1660 Jahre angefangen bis in das 1665 Jahr denck und schreibwürdig vorgegangen...”
The historical chronicle by Matthaus Merian published under the common title “Theatri Europaei”, IX volume (describing the years 1660 – 1665) of the 21-volume work “Theatrum Europæum…”, in Frankfurt of Main, Johann Görlin 1672.
This volume mainly describes Balkan, Hungary and the Turkish wars from year 1660 to 1665.
A multi-volume historical work begun in 1633. Twenty-one volumes were published by 1738. This monumental work was published in the annex of the printer and copperplate engraver Matthew Merian, who specialized in publishing maps, city views and chronicles. It is one of the most important sources on the Thirty Years’ War and the reign of Louis XIV. Its importance as a source is not nullified by the fact that various kinds of sensationalism were woven into the narrative, which served to entertain and also influenced the book’s sales, as well as the authors’ often lack of objectivity, including Abelin, in whom pro-Swedish and pro-Protestant sympathies come to the fore. Of separate value are the 720 copperplate illustrations, some 140 of which were done by Merian himself (maps, allegorical subjects on title pages). The authors of each volume were Johann Philipp Abelin, Johann Flittner, Heinrich Oreaus, physician J. P. Lotichius, Johann Georg Schleder, Martin Meyer, Wolfgang Jacob Geiger, Daniel Schneider and Gabriel Schweder. The publication, aimed at both “scholars” and “ordinary” people, was widely read and proved to be a publishing success. The work, both in its textual and iconographic layers, is also evidence of the birth of the concept of Europe as a geographic-historical-cultural community (Elblag Digital Library).
The complete book with all engravings and pages present: 4 introductory pages, 1576 text pages, 32 index pages, with all – 41 copperplate engravings, some of them double-sided or folded several times: battle plans, images of sieges and fortresses, the cities of Lisbon, Tokaj, processions, maps of Lithuania, Hungary, Crete and 15 famous people portraits.
Author: Matthaus Merian (1593 – 1650)
Sheet size: 23,0 x 35,3 x 10,0 cm
Year: 1672
Technique: copper engraving
Good, original condition.
This is an original antique book published in 1672 and NOT a modern copy or reprint
On your request I will provide a Certificate of Authenticity
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