1700 – G. De L’Isle – L’ASIE Dressée sur les Observations
Title: “L’ASIE Dressée sur les Observations de l’Académie Royale des Sciences et quelques autres, et sur les mémoires les plus recens, Par G. DE L’ISLE Geographe A PARIS Chez l’Auteur sur le Quai de l’Horloge avec Privilège du Roy pour 20 ans, 1700 ”
This is important and rare map of Asia, issued by Guillaume Delisle and with 3 nice decorative Cartouches, engraved by N. Guerard. It includes the East Indies and the tip of New Guinea. Japan is connected to the mainland by a country identified as Terra Yeco (Hokkaido). At the Northwest is the fictional ‘Terra de la Compagnie’, Korea is shown as a peninsula. Coastline of north eastern Siberia between Novaya Zemlya and Terre de Yeco is left blank. DeLisle is important as the first “scientific” cartographer who incorporated the most current information on exploration and topography into his maps. The map is very interesting for the use of Mer Orientale, the sea between Korea and Japan. The map also represents Singapour, Saicapura. Map is dated 1700!
Cartographer: Guillaume De L’Isle (1675 – 1726)
Sheet size: 72 x 51 cm (28,3″ x 20″)
Year: 1700
Technique: copper engraving
Very good condition, strong print and paper with original watermarks. Wide margins. Contemporary colouring!
This is a genuine antique map published in 1700 and not a modern copy or reprint!