1757 – J. T. Mayer – Regni Poloniae


Title:              “Mappa Geographica Regni Poloniae ex novissimis quotquot sunt mappis specialibus composita et ad L.L. stereographica projectionis revocata a Tob. Mayero. S.C.S Luci publicae tradita per Homannianos Heredes / Norimb. A. MDCCLVII. ”​

“Carte des etats de la Covronne de Pologne, nouvellement dessinee par M.r Tob. Mayer et publièe par les Heritiers de Homann, l’an MDCCLVII “


Very detailed antique map of Poland and Lithuania showing John II Kazimierz’s tithe in the upper title cartouche and the Saxon arms in the lower left corner. Inscription inscribed with Kosciuszko Insurrection: signed date of battle under Maciejowice, slaughter of Prague and the third partition of Poland.

The map drawn by Johann Tobias Mayer and published by Homann Heirs in atlas “Maior Atlas Scholasticus ex Triginta Sex Generalibus et Specialibus…”  Nuremberg, 1757.


Cartographer:     Johann Tobias Mayer (1723-1762)
Sheet size:             52,6 x 60,5 cm
Year:                       1757
Technique:           copper engraving

Good condition. Original hand coloring. Strong press on watermarked paper. Few wormholes present.

This is an original antique map published in 1757 and NOT a modern copy or reprint


On your request I will provide a Certificate of Authenticity

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