1766 – L. Brion – Les Isles Britanniques
100 €
Title: “Les Isles Britanniques, Assujetties aux Observations Astronomiques…”
This is a beautiful map of the British Isles by the French Cartographer Louis Brion de la Tour. It covers all of England, Scotland, and Ireland, inclusive of the Shetland Isles, depicted here in an inset in the top left quadrant. Map comes from “Atlas General, Civil, Ecclesiastique et Militaire Methodique et Elementaire …”
Cartographer: Louis Brion de la Tour (1743 – 1803)
Sheet size: 29 x 32 cm
Year: 1766
Technique: copper engraving
Good condition, original hand color, with thumb index, dated.
This is a genuine antique map published in 1766 and not a modern copy or reprint!
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