1640 – W. J. Blaeu – Europa recens descripta
Title: “Europa recens descripta a Guilielmo Blaeuw”
Blaeu’s striking map of Europe, framed on both sides by five costumed figures. Left border: Angli, Galli, Belgi, Castiliani, Venetiani. Right border: Germani, Hungari, Bohemi, Poloni, Graeci. Along the upper edge runs a decorative border with nine European towns in oval frames: Amsterdam, Praga, Constantinopolis, Venetia, Roma, Paris, London, Toledo and Lisboa. For European mapmakers their own continent contained few mysteries or secrets by the seventeenth century. However, the mythical island of Frisland still appears between Iceland and Greenland. The map is embellished with sailing ships, sea monsters, bears in northern Russia, and lions in North Africa and Neptune riding a dolphin and holding his trident. A beautiful map produced at the height of the Golden Age of Dutch mapmaking.
Map Maker: Willem Janszoon Blaeu (1570 – 1630)
Sheet size: 48,7 x 59 cm
Place / Date: 1640
Technique: copper engraving
Good condition! Old hand coloring. Wide margins. Lower middle fold split professionally restored. Brownish paper.
This is a genuine antique map published in 1640 and not a modern copy or reprint!